Recently, this conversation was overheard at the offices of a prominent magazine publisher in distress:
Boss: Because I’m stuck here late at work, I’m going to miss my 2 year old’s birthday party!
Art Director: What’s wrong, Boss?
Boss: You hired 10 different artists for this month’s issue, and now I have to write ten different checks! Do you have any idea how long that takes?!!
AD: Gee whiz, I had no idea!
Boss: And now I find out that famous artist Mitch O’Connell could have handled every assignment in his variety of terrific techniques — comic, logo, graphic, caricature, cartoon, realistic, abstract, cute — and I would have only had to write one check!
AD: I'm sorry…
Boss: Because you didn’t call Mitch, I’m missing my child’s formative years! You’re fired!
AD (thinking): Because I didn’t hire ‘The World’s Best Artist’ Mitch O’Connell, my life is in ruins. If only I could do it all over again. If only…
Don’t let this be your fate! Contact Mitch today!!!
I’ve exhibited internationally in many of the world’s finest galleries from New York to Tokyo, Miami to New Mexico and Hollywood to Osaka. So at the very least, I have some great travel photos! Stop on by anytime, I’ll warm up the slide projector!
Save yourself the trouble of going to the State Fair, and just drop me a line for the funny portraits. My secret? Make the nose big, eyes small and add a silly hat. Damn! Now everyone will be able to do it!
I love the fun cartoony illustrations, clip art and filler doodles that were all the rage in the 50s and 60s. These are my ‘tip of the hat’ to these creations, which I think never go out of date. At least I hope they don’t go out of date. I’ve got three kids to feed!
When you need the slick ‘Roy Lichtenstein’ comic look for advertising or editorial! From illustrating your very own company’s muscled superhero mascot, to a panel of folks at a business meeting speaking in word balloons, I’ve got my brush poised over the inkwell to bring them to life!
Like it when folks go “AWWWW!” and “That’s ADORABLE!”? When I make those eyes Big 'n Dewy in what you need illustrated, every viewer's heart will grow three times its normal size!
Maybe not ‘photo realistic’ but as realistic as I can get. So if you want every pore and nose hair recreated on canvas, I’m your man!
I’ll draw up a batch of doodles based on your ideas and we’ll keep working together, revising until you’re happy. Then I create the super-tight finished art that you can slap on everything from business cards to billboards ’til the end of time!
Want a personal tattoo design to bring to your local tattoo shop, or think that old-school tattoo vibe would be great for advertising your product? Any way you’d like to use it, I love drawing ‘em!
Need a drawing of someone and don’t want people guessing who it’s supposed to be? I got this! If possible, I like to put tracing paper over the subject’s face for optimal accuracy. If that’s not possible, I can wing it.
Posters and flyers of shows, events and personal appearances. Hopefully they’ll give you the impression that I’m very important and popular!
I’m not only able to do the art, I’m also able to deliver the finished package with copy ready for the printer. Sometimes I’ll even call in designer Joseph Allen Black to add that extra fancy polish!